Moscow, Russia
IC Energy is proud to present Risk Management 2012-2013. This year’s focus is on rebooting your Risk Management Strategy to account for the evolution of the threats your company faces. IC Energy follows the most up to date trends and topics related to Risk Management and has brought together compelling new considerations in the tailor made event.
The topics will focus on evolving and innovative risks from social media, cloud based computing, remote datastorage, mobile applications and more. It will also focus on the critical role of HR and the need to instill a Risk Management culture.
As these new risks appear, and improve their efficiency and potential to do damage, you too must improve by keeping track of the latest trends and strategies in protecting your company and personnel from data breaches from competitors, hackers, rogue governmental agencies.Companies that fail to appreciate these constant threats do so at their own risk. Companies that are vigilant will have a competitive advantage.
It’s not a matter of when your system will be attacked or compromised, but how and where. Learn how to protect yourself at Risk Management 2012-2013.
With key speakers from Industry leaders from Russia, CIS and Europe, this event will provide essential and in depth guidance on how to manage innovational risks and select the right financial institution-partner for future cooperation and long term growth.
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