Moscow, Russia
The development of banking networks of any type, especially retail banks, is virtually impossible without a strong strategy of location specific presence inclusive of bank branches, full service branch offices and automated customer service points. Service in the banking industry continues to be a major selling point to target audiences that contributes considerably to the revenue growth. Sufficient understanding of client needs, preferences and the efficient management of these services and locations is one of the single largest contributors to the successful performance of banks. The transformation of banking services, client expectations and new technologies is challenging existing structures and norms in a manner similar to the first appearance of Automatic Teller Machines on street corners. A full transformation of the industry is happening now, is your institution ready to engage?
The immediate future demands action and decisions regarding how to and whether to further expand the branch network with additional sales offices, full-service centres, mini-retail centres, automated service points or online services. What exactly are the most attractive and most likely to succeed approaches according to your strategy of revenue and profit growth over the next 3, 5 and 10 years? What services should be delegated to individual branches, to the department level and to the clients themselves through online interactions, and what services and functions should be centralized? These and many other pressing questions will be answered by leading experts in the industry from Russia/CIS and international banks, financial institutions and participants alike.
This IC Energy conference will enable attendees to get a deeper insight into the most successful case studies and recent developments in branch banking theory and application. Together, Event Leaders and Participants will collaborate, with a goal to provide insight and understanding in regards to recent trends and perspectives around Russia and CIS, identifying the strategies and the models for successful organization and management of branch networks.
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