Amembal & Associates is the world’s foremost authority in lease training, consultancy and publications. Mr. Sudhir Amembal, its CEO, has been at the helm of the company since he co-founded it in 1978. With regards to training, over 75,000 leasing professionals have attended varied seminars/conferences held throughout the world; and, with regards to publications, the firm has authored and published 16 industry best-sellers.

In particular, having to do with operating leases, Mr. Amembal authored “A Complete Guide to Operating Leases”, the only publication of its kind. Mr. Amembal recently organized the first-ever conference solely dedicated to operating leases. This was held in November, 2012 – it was a sell-out! Based on feedback received, it was one of the best leasing conferences ever held. The conference was successfully repeated in November 2013.

Both mature and emerging markets are suffering from margin compression on finance leases. This is primarily due to the fact that the finance lease is increasingly looked upon in the market place as a loan equivalent. From an economics point of view, it is indeed loan like; from an accounting point of view, it is booked as though it is a loan; and, from a tax point of view, in most countries, it is treated the same way as a loan!

Operating leases provide the customer with a host of benefits that finance leases do not; and, simultaneously allow the lessor to benefit from profit sources not found in finance leases. The product will soon face dramatic changes in light of forthcoming accounting rules; yet, because of the numerous significant benefits it delivers, it will continue to remain viable.

The enclosed outline should convince you to attend. The seminar is indeed an A-Z on operating leases. Testimonials from previous attendees confirm the value of attending:

  • “I indeed obtained a road map to the product. This will save us thousands in implementation.”
  • “We can now refine our selling skills and increase our volume.”
  • “Mr. Amembal is an encyclopedia in leasing!”

Do not miss this opportunity to attend the two-day seminar – it will only be held twice this year.

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